Chimney Tray Collector-Distributor (KPT CTD-2)
Chimney Tray Collector-Distributor (KPT CTD-2)
Key Characteristics
Chimney tray distributor is applicable for high liquid loads & higher diameter columns. Features of this distributor, It helps to work as a distributor as well as redistributors. Whenever collection & redistribution is required this distributor can be used. The design of the chimney is a very crucial part of the design which is based on liquid & vapor flow and pressure drop requirements. For many cases without holes, these trays can be supplied as partial or 100% draw of liquid.
This type of distributor is applicable for high liquid loads & higher diameter columns. Whenever collection & redistribution is required this distributor can be used.
It helps to work as a distributor as well as re-distributors. Whenever collection & redistribution is required this distributor can be used.
Chimney tray is a device specifically designed to keep vapor and liquid separate.
The liquid collector device ensures cross mixing of the liquid and mixing of feed streams with the internal column liquid.